A crisis is a turning point – for better or worse – successfully handling a crisis demands refined skills, an inventory of assets, and quick responses.
You will be judged not only by the actual event – but by your response to the event.
The time to acquire these skills is long before a crisis.
Response is immediate when you call 416-888-8540. You will be prepared to reduce uncertainty, manage risk, and accelerate a return to normal.
Type: Instructor-led, individual or group training Duration: 1-2 days Format: Formal lecture, group assignments, participation in realistic simulations video-recorded for follow-up analysis Location: Our learning centre in Toronto or your facility Attendees: Managers of public and private organizations; executives, and spokespersons with risk, security, safety, emergency management, legal, and HR responsibilities.
If you are facing a public controversy–take this course.
“We have been in your shoes. We have helped people overcome the same challenges you will face. We’re on your side. We do care. We want to reduce your stress. We know how.” – Dr. Allan Bonner
You will learn:
How to spot an emerging crisis
How to prepare a crisis response plan
How to manage communications with diverse stakeholders during a crisis
Techniques to minimize the disruption, duration, and severity of a crisis event
Each of the following modules will be tailored to your specific risk factors, areas of operations and unique requirements.
Risk Analysis and Management
You will gain an understanding of:
The value of preparation for crises and controversies
Threat analysis and quantitative risk assessments
The fundamentals of business continuity planning
Crisis Management Systems and Planning
You will learn how to:
Assemble a Crisis Management Team
Pre-determine the internal and external resources required to manage a crisis
Use templates, diagrams, checklists, and charts to create a Crisis Management Plan
Crisis and Risk Communication
You will learn:
How risk is perceived by different stakeholder groups
Basic principles of effective public communication during a crisis
To create and deliver concise, meaningful messages that work with regulators, legislators, victims, neighbours, and reporters.
Crisis Simulation
Through simulated crises, you will learn how to evaluate your organization’s emergency preparedness, including:
How well your team understands their assigned roles
How they function as a team
If your plan has the flexibility to adapt to various scenarios
How to plan and conduct an effective crisis simulation
You will study actual disasters that reflect your potential vulnerabilities, for example:
Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie, Scotland – Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
9/11 Emergency Response – Interoperability and communication
Lac Megantic – Regulatory and safety systems
Space Shuttle Challenger – Political and organizational pressure
All attendees will receive:
University-level crisis management textbooks and downloads including An Ounce of Prevention
Digital downloads of audio and video resources
An archive of checklists, diagrams and operational templates
Additional/optional course modules: Crisis Negotiation
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Government and Regulatory Relations
Dr. Allan Bonner and his team are trained, certified, and experienced in responding to broad a range of crisis events.
This is North America’s only team with post-graduate education in risk, crisis and disaster management (MSc), in addition to science, law, political economy, business, and urban planning degrees.
This team has direct on-site experience with a variety of crisis events, including air disasters, death-in-care, inquests, food recalls, allegations of sexual harassment and cyber security breaches.