Je vous propose aujourd’hui d’appréhender ensemble le processus de victimation au travers d’un schéma simple tiré de mon ouvrage “Mieux Vaut Prévenir”.
Parce qu’il faut être paré à toute éventualité, et qu’il est important de savoir comment se protéger et protéger sa réputation, surtout en situation de crise; je vous propose une liste de conseils non exhaustifs qui vont vous permettre de protéger vos arrières.
L’organisation est l’une des clés lors de situations de crise. C’est pourquoi je vous propose un schéma simple mais efficace qui reprend les principaux pôles d’action à mettre en place en priorité.
Allan Bonner explores a concept proposed by Ulrich Beck: that politicians try to underwrite our safety. These days, they do this by political theatre and photo ops — like eating beef after the Mad Cow scare, or eating in Chinatown after SARS, H1N1 and now COVID-19. Should this be the priority?
There’s no disputing that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted some flaws in our supply chains, what with the shortages from grocery stores to industrial components caused by the global travel shutdowns. In following such models as Just-In-Time production and outsourcing production overseas, we’ve prioritized efficiency and cost savings…but have we ignored a hidden cost? Allan
How do we become overdue for a random event like a pandemic like novel coronavirus (COVID-19)? Once a pathogen emerges, how do modern societies give it new ways to flourish and spread? In this look back, Allan Bonner sits down with Dr. Ian Crandall and Maire Percy, Professor Emeritus, to discuss what the risks are,
Emergency planner and crisis response specialist Allan Bonner compares conventional crime and policing to their cyber equivalents, and discusses the implications for managing risk and staying secure in the digital age. From Cyber City Safe: Emergency Planning Beyond the Maginot Line.